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Re: Blount??

At 09:07 PM 6/29/02 -0400, Bos3332@AOL.com wrote:
Will Blount be a restricted Free Agent? If so could we talk him into going to
Europe for a season or two, get more playing time and improve his game? This
way we could Songalia and still have the rights to Blount. Is there anyway of
having this scenario work? Let me know, just an idea?
Blount apparently qualifies (2 years in the league) http://members.cox.net/lmcoon/salarycap.htm#33
but I don't think it does what you think. All it lets us do is match offers. We'd still have to pay him and tie up a roster spot with him.

Me, I wouldn't. Most of the time Blount was on the court he played like he just couldn't be bothered/didn't care, and given how tenuous his position was I think that's a really bad sign. Young players should at least be willing to show some energy and enthusiasm, especially when they aren't getting playing time and aren't guaranteed a future roster spot. I may not love Walter, but frustrating as he is I'd rather keep him than Blount because he at least gets that much and tries.
