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nice win.

Well done lads. Bank shots and all. They all count.

Compares nicely to my favourite win over the Fakers in semi-recent
memory...back in 'Toine's rookie year - he played the '3' then eek!. We were
already in the cellars of the standings and had Dino playing centre (before
he pulled his heartstring for the rest of the season) and dropped three
gorgeous baseline jumpers on Shaq in the first quarter, and then took him
for 20+ points & 10 boards. Dana & Dee & Day & Fox bombing from downtown.
Must have been the only memorable game from that season....still have it on
tape somewhere.

Simon Kean
Shallow End Swimming - http://mp3.com/shallowendswimming
Ulcerate - http://mp3.com/ulcerate