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FW: Herald article

From: JB <jbmetzea@Yahoo.com>
Date: Tue, 06 Nov 2001 18:55:54 -0500
To: "j.hironaka" <j.hironaka@unesco.org>
Subject: Re: Herald article

on 11/6/01 1:24 PM, j.hironaka at j.hironaka@unesco.org wrote:

 We could have beaten those teams if the captains,
especially bin Walker, could re-do some of their poor decision-making.

But hopefully, the positive lessons will be reinforced this week in
practice. And, yeah, I wouldn't mind if Obie were a little less of a
cheerleader for his captains. I'm not convinced that he's just "fronting"
to the public on behalf of his players, while being a lot tougher on them
behind closed doors.
  My Celtics experiences for the last five years have cursed/blessed me with
the wishful thinking attitude, that bolstered my defense of Kenny Anderson
even after he came in to camp last season in woeful shape and ended the
season with such a poor public display of self-centeredness, that a realist
would have written him and his career off for good. Who else was still
hoping he could shed his selfish skin and would dare compare him to "Tiny"
  In that light, I have been propagating the idea that O'Brien has been
working behind the scenes to affect the play of Walker.  It is more hope
than reality at this point, but it is clear from that Herald article that it
is a subject in the locker room and that it is being addressed. How "tough"
will he get? Hopefully, he won't need to.  Whether it's from O'Brien,
Pierce, Heinsohn, Harter, the broom pusher or Doc Savage, the message is
getting through. Walker is hearing in practice this week, that he needs to
use his passing abilities to include more teammates in the offense. I don't
think he needs to petition a poll from Gallup, to tell him that if he
continues to shoot 3-30, his popularity will slip.
  I've met Jimmy O'Brien twice. While diminutive in size, he is no
"shrinking violet." He seemed like the guy who would stand toe to toe with
anyone and not back down, before he fell down. He impressed me as being very
straight forward and never a BS artist. My hopes and those of the assembled
fandom are riding on his powers of persuasion, let us hope.



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