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Title: Re-posting.
   About a year ago, when I started the club/message board: >>http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/celticsstuff<<,  I wrote here, that I was reposting some of the most interesting posts, from the three or four message boards, that I read and post to. Kind of a best of the day, to supplememnt the newspapers, web sites and the ramblings of myself and the few other posters there.
   There is no doubt, in my mind, that many of the internet "amateur" posters are better informed, more articulate and more enthusiastic than most of those paid to provide the same service.
   I can't ask the writer each time I want to copy a post, as it could be old news by the time I got permission, so I am posting this blanket announcement again (there are many new posters), so that if there are any of you who don't want me to post your articles, you could ingform me in advance.
   Of course my site is just a Yahoo club and there can be no advertising or compensation to me in any way.
   Thank you:


Unchain My Heart!