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Anyone read today's Peter May article on Walker's snub
from the All Star roster?  I think he's got a point. 
Walker has better numbers than half the All-Star East
squad but yet he still didn't get in.  As May said,
Walker does have an enormous chip on his shoulder. 
With all his bitching to the refs to his not reporting
to early summer camp two years ago (because he's a
veteran All-Star), the guy has proven himself to be a
big baby.  The Detroit game was one the biggest
displays of poor sportsmanship I've ever seen.  He had
the nerve to showboat by crossover dribbling in place
in front of his defender.  There was no reason to do
that whatsoever.  He wasn't driving to the basket,
Wallace wasn't even playing him that tight.  The game
was over and out of reach.  All he had to do was pass
the ball out or hold on the ball.  Some All-Star he
is.  I don't think I've ever seen Isaiah or Jordan or
Bird or even KOBE do what Walker did on the court. 
Iverson has 10 times the crossover than Walker and I
don't see him flashing that crossover repeatedly for
no apparent reason.  This guy is suppose to be a
professional?  He's just another arrogant overpaid
punk who needs to grow up if he wants fans to take him

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