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Re: Don't sweat it Jeff

>From: Ryan Lee <rlee_at_channing@yahoo.com>
>Don't take what Cecil says too seriously.  He
>subscribes to the Bill Bird school of debating

For a mere $100 tuition per year, you, too, could learn how to 
construct an argument and state a coherent position without resorting 
to name-calling or baseless accustions (like, "do you even know how 
to read?").  Send check or money order to "Bird School of Debating, 
Attn: Celtic "Tird", Owner/Operator".  All applications to 
matriculate greedily accepted.  Trading in diploma for a pile of 
excreta is purely optional.

>Instead he trails off onto another topic which has no
>relation to the original argument.

Fellow Listers, I ask you, it is the fault of he who is bringing up 
"another topic" or he who cannot see how this so-called "other topic" 
relates to the issue at hand?

The Celtic "Tird"