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OT Re: McNuggets Preview

>>It sounded funny okay but to this day I'm unclear about meaning or 
>>usage....i.e. is "6-piece" considered less or more offensive than the 
>>"9-piece" option.
>The 6-piece is cheaper and has less content. :>))

OK I wasn't going to do it but I have too :^)

McDonald's Chicken McNuggets come in three sizes 4, 6, and 9 piece (there 
is of course the fabled 12 piece, but the ramifications of including this 
gastro-intestinal monstrosity in this discourse is beyond the scope of 

I think Spike was using the "6 piece" Metaphor to represent the 6 headed 
troll fathered from the leg of Ymir (the first giant in Norse mythology, 
created from the drops of water formed where north and south met and the 
ice melted) who went on to battle Odin and create forever a rift between 
the gods and the giants. The "9 piece" of course referring to the Hydra in 
Greek lore, who's heads would "sprout into 2 more beasts" when cut off. 
Hercules ended up defeating it by lopping off it's heads and burning them 
then burying the 9th (and immortal) head under a rock as one of his 12 
labors to regain his honor. The "4 piece" most likely refers to the four 
headed leopard Phasis, who overlooked the Kingdom of Babylon and who's 
heads represented the 4 equal divisions of power that followed Alexander 
the Great's rule.

He sees Clarence Thomas a dividing force in society, rather than an 
guardian of equitable power as with Phasis, or as a entity that will grow 
stronger when attacked straight on as with the Hydra. So I would say more 
offensive obviously. Pretty deep for a guy you thought was just a Larry 
Bird hating, Jordan Jock carrying, myopic dwarf.

To keep this a little on topic...I'll be at the game tonight. I'm a bit 
nervous as these are the games that really kill me when they have a let 
down. I'll be making a lot of noise and I hope they get the recognition 
they deserve from the crowd for their 4 game mini-streak. I've always been 
a glass half full kind of fan, but I'm starting to get really excited 
again. I haven't felt this way in a while...really looking forward to each 
game and feeling like "something" is missing on nights they don't play. 
Probably haven't felt like this since Reggie played or the year or two 
after that. Hopefully it's a good sign.
