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Re: Playoffs?????

>From: Dan Forant <dforant1@nycap.rr.com>

>Making the 8th spot in the NBA is like a consolation prize. Play the #1 
>seed and out in 3. We don't know what will come of a draft selection, but 
>do know the result of 8th place. Some luck and wisdom from our organization 
>(that may need more luck) can bring some more leverages acquiring needed 

It's not like they don't get a draft pick if they make the playoffs, you 
know.  I'd rather see them get the 14th pick and 3 games of playoff 
experience than the 13th and yet another year missing them.  Who know's, 
maybe getting whupped three straight could show these guys how much work 
they need to do.  Or, maybe playing Miami or Indiana tough, or even taking a 
game from them, would give them something to mull over this summer.

Not that it matters.  They need to show more on the road than they have all 
season just to have a chance at making it, which is not likely.  Anyway, 
Dan, you must be pretty surprised that the C's have run off three games 
after you so confidently asserted they couldn't win 7 of their final 23.  I 
wish you'd make a prediction like that every week, it seems to send them on 
a tear.

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