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Out Foxed!

Was Rick this big of a freaking punk when he wore green?

My wife noted it must be the lack of "family time", waiting for that 6 week OB/GYN visit to clear him for a new honeymoon. Given her background I am sure she has friends to help out. This boy is mighty cranky. It is LA for cripes sake. Call up Hugh or Charlie to get Heidi's hot line number.

Anyone else remember Fox in that Phoenix game, coming in mid-fourth quarter and proceeding to get thrown out in just a couple of lack of action?  He clearly was trying to do the same thing again tonight. If he wants to act like Rambis he is going to have to get some black rimmed glasses.

Apparently Dunleavy was asking Rick if he wanted to buy some naked photos of his wife; oh he forgot everyone has naked photos of HIS wife. Mighty artistic I might add.

Can't get your respect back anytime soon Ricky.