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We know who the REAL melonhead is...

>From: Ryan Lee <rlee_at_channing@yahoo.com>
>NOt sure if my last mail was sent out (mail server
>crashed), but in case it didn't....

Thank god you re-sent this, Ryan.  I, for one, think you're a hero to 
the list, and feel all the better today for reading what you sent.  I 
don't care what other people say, you're not a complete moron in my 

>The Celts match up very
>well except for the center spot.  Kenny can more than
>handle an undersized AJ and an ancient Harper.  Adrian
>and Pierce can hold their own against Kobe and they
>can absolutely lay waste to Antonio Daniels.  Pierce
>can easily handle Horry,Elliot, Elie,and Rice since
>they have zero D and limited offense(yes that includes

Too bad we didn't play more than four games against both these teams 
-- we coulda racked up the wins and skated into the Finals, where we 
were sure to beat the Fakers in four games, eh?

>an opinion can only hold valid for so long
>before it becomes pure lunacy, you lunatic.

Good for you, Ryan!  Why respond to Cecil when you can just call him 
a name?  (I like the way you call him a "lunatic" after you use 
another form of the word ("lunacy").   Some people might call that 
redundant.  Not me -- I think you just latched on to a word like you 
do to the whole Trade Antoine Now cause.  (By the way, I think we 
oughta trade Walker for Kiki Vandeweghe, a BLT on rye, and a copy of 
Ayn Rand's _The Fountainhead_.)  What's Cecil thinking, anyway, 
trying to respond with some dignity?  Trying to infect this List with 
his reasonableness and good humor.  The gall!  He even dares to be a 
blind Celtics fan, the heathen.

In conclusion, Ryan -- while others are calling you a straw man 
debater, or an obsessive reactionary, or a lazy researcher, or a 
crazed moron, or a guy with a hard-on for overblown statements, or a 
vile piece of detritus, _I'm_ not doing so.  Bless you, Ryan Lee!

>- --- Cecil Wright <cecil@hfx.eastlink.ca> wrote:
>>  I would think one reason you may get "flamed" is the
>>  confrontational nature
>  > of your posts, not to mention the inaccuracies.  [...]
>  > Kenny  is not a very good PG IMHO.  Toine is not a
>>  very good F IYHO.  But I
>  > am not gonna call you names over something so silly.