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Jersey Red Comments On Rick Pitino & The Celtics & More

I'm listening to Jersey Red on 790 The Score in Providence at the
moment, as Jersey Red says:

- He's never seen Pitino so focused as he is during this offseason - 
refers to Pitino as being "diabolicly possessed". 	

- According to Jersey, Pitino said, not only are the Celtics going to
make the playoffs, but they're making an impact - if not, Pitino
said (to the C's front office personnel): Boys, we're moving our
operations to Europe.

- Jersey says his column next week will deal with the pressures
that Pitino is under in Boston (Might actually be an interesting
column for a change).

- Jersey says the first mistake Pitino made was during the introductory
press conference, when he said ML was going to represent the C's
at the lottery - Jersey said Johnny Joe or he should have represented
the C's.

- Jersey notes he spent last week with Il Duce in California.

- Jersey says the Red Sox should get Albert Bell so he can punch
in the face.

- Ron would be the viable trade since he's still under the rookie salary

- Kenny Anderrson better start producing now that the C's are
for paying his contract. 

- Jersey (talking to Bob Lobel) says he's heard from sources that the 
injury to Pedro Martinez is more significant than the Red Sox are
letting on.

- Jersey says Lobel will be sitting next to Pitino in the stands next
Tuesday at the Boston Summer League, as Pitino will be miked and filmed
for an upcoming Coaches Corner show.
