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Boston's rep

Josh said...
<Boston might develop a bad reputation.>

MIGHT develop one?  Too late! I think the word of already out that Boston
is not the place for today's bball high society to be.  Consider the
reasons why the hot shots don't want to be there:
1. It's cold in the winter.  (absurd I know, but you hear it all the time)
2. The fans actually expect a winner.  (some actually remember when Boston
had winners)
3. The coach is a control freak, a motivational guru-type, and a loose
cannon in terms of commenting on his players. (The only thing most players
want today is what they call RESPECT, which they spell MONEY)  They don't
want a coach or coaches (how many flunkies does Pitino have?) telling them
about their game.
Here is my fantasy collective bargaining agreement:
All players in the NBA, from the stud star on each team to the Shit-zou on
each team, plays for a sliding $$ scale of, lets say, $500,000/yr to
1,000,000 a year.
The "real" money doesn't come unless you hit the playoffs, and ultimately
the finals.
Wow, what a concept... workin for a livin...