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Fox quite comfortable

Rick Fox cried the July day in 1997 he learned he wouldn't be returning
to the Celtics. But because of Pitino's decision to sign Travis Knight
as a free agent (he was forced to clear salary cap space), Fox has wound
up in a key role with the title-contending Lakers and, by the way, met
and eventually married singer/actress Vanessa Williams.

Not bad, eh?

"Without that day here, nothing happens," Fox said before getting two
points and four assists last night. "Things work in mysterious ways. I
mean, don't feel sorry for me."

And don't feel sorry if he occasionally catches heat about his spousal
good fortune.

"They call me Mr. Williams or Mr. Vanessa Williams," Fox said. "Those
are the things I expected. I thought people might be a little more
creative. But I've got a lot of congrats, too. They say, 'Wow, why did
you marry my wife?' A lot of respect and pleasantries. It speaks a lot
about her.

"I know they think I came away with the grand enchilada."

Fox still insists he didn't want to be an ex-Celtic.

"I enjoyed my time here, beyond the losing," he said. "You have the
college attitude that you want to finish things and be part of something
your whole career. But it doesn't always work out that way."