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Re: McDonough: Cousy On The Way Out?

Very well said, Michael.  Right on the mark!
Subject: Re: McDonough: Cousy On The Way Out?

I guess I'm one of the few longtime C's fans who found Most's commentary to
be fanciful,cartoony black-and white and way too devoid of a healthy amount
of constructive criticism. Announcers aren't supposed to be shills. I don't
want propaganda, I want an honest account of the game. Cousy feels the game
and it's rhythms and leaves it to Tommy to contribute the Bing Bang Boom's.
Cousy pulls for the team deeply still , he just wants them to use their
smarts and be consistent with the things that bring them success. Tommy and
Cousy are a great counterpoint to each other and they are part of a total
package (The game itself and their call of it) that I hope I will be able
to continue to enjoy .

                                    Michael A. DiZio