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Subject: McCarty

Hi Alex,

Take for example Anderson, is he coachable? Talent wise he can be, but
does he want to? For example why doesn't he just push the ball upcourt
and distribute it, instead of yo-yoing the ball between his palm and
the paraquet, running down the shot clock, no where to go and heaving
up a prayer? Is he listening to coach's instructions? Is he
distributing like the coach wants to?

I think with Kenny's and Walker's fat contracts (gauranteed even if
the tornado makes it round in Fleetcentre), where's the need to

Hope this is clearer. Regards

Alex Wang <awang@mit.edu> wrote:

Hi Kevin,

Can you elaborate? I'm not sure I understand exactly what you mean
although I do agree that a player's contract status can affect his
performance both on and off the floor.


> Alex mentioned  "coachable". I think a player's contract (speaking
> also of Battie, Turner and others) also has an effect whether he is
> coachable or not (besides having the talent)
> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
> Date: Thu, 12 Aug 1999 15:05:14 EDT
> From: Alex Wang <awang@mit.edu>
> Subject: McCarty
> (snipped)
> My hope is that he takes better shots now that the second unit has
> (potentially) added some scoring threats in Cheaney and Williams. He
> seems coachable too,