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Re; Bird's daughter

I have read the article about Bird's daughter. She wasn't "bitter" about
her father but was "neglected" nevertheless for the last twenty years.

Well, here's what I also read: from Bird's own book pulished some years
back. He also mentioned about his daughter and admitted he did not see
her often. But he suggested (he did not really say it) it was his
ex-eife who tried to put the daughter away from him. He also said he
would "do anything" for her if she asked. I guess that's fair enough.

The point is: things like hidding a daughter from a father is very
common. Never presume when a marriage breaks up, it has to be the fault
of the man. In Hong Kong, we had one tragic case recently. A divorced
mother killed her own son because she won't allow the father to take the
kid back to England for education. The family was originally from
England, but the mother (a Chinese) decided to move back to HK after the
divorce. According to the divorce agreements, the kid was suppose to
stay inEngland for his education, but she brought the kid with her
illegally. the father, anxious to see his boy again, flew all the way to
Hk to file a court case. Needless to say, he won. But the mother,
instead of doing what was right, killed the kid with an injection, and
then killed herself.

So let's think both ways before pointing fingers. You may all say "no,
we are not unfair people!", but look at all the cases: Boggs, Bird, DJ,
Codero, Minor, Fryar.... you all blame the man instead of the woman.
Come on, could it ever be 100%?

John Liang