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Re: Ann on LB

Larry learned that from the C's in the 80's. Any player that missed the
team flight, their fine was to pay for a plane ticket.  I'm not sure if
Fitch or K.C. started that rule.  Knowing how frugal Larry is with his
money, I doubt he ever missed a flight.

At 11:25 05/03/98 -0800, you wrote:
>Of all things in our Sunday paper this bit showed up in the Ann Landers
>Dear Ann Lander:
>I hope you have enough nerve to print the letter because the person I am
>complaining about is an American hero.  His name is Larry Bird.  He made
>his name as a player on the Boston Celtics, and is now coaching the Indiana
>Pacers.  This is what happened.
>During the pre-season, the team's plane was scheduled to leave for a game
>at 4PM.  Two of the players, Travis Best and Dale Davis, were nowhere to be
>found.  The stairs had been pulled up, and the plane was just about to take
>off.  Suddenly, one of the players who was on the plane and looking out th
>window yelled, "Travis and Dale are out there on the passenger cart. 
>Somebody should tell the pilot to lower the stairs."  Larry Bird shouted,
>"No way.  It's after 4PM.  Those guys are tardy.  They'll have to go
>I was shocked when I heard about this on TV.  How could a guy be so mean to
>his own players? It just doesn't make any sense.
>-A former Larry Bird fan
>Dear Former Larry Bird Fan:
>Did you say "mean"?  Sorry, I don't agree with you.  I believe Larry Bird
>showed a great deal of courage when he left those late arrivals standing on
>the tarmac.  He taught them a lesson they needed to learn.  You can bet
>your life they will never be late for a team plane again.  And neither will
>the players who witnessed this extraordinary example of disciplinary
>action.  Call it being "mean" if you want, but in my opinion, it was a
>demonstration of strong character.  Way to go, Larry!
>Too bad the Warriors and the NBA can't leave Sprewell on some runway in a
>South American backwater.  The response to his behavior I thought was best,
>was for the Warriors to keep him on the roster and let him rot on the end
>of the bench for 2 years.  He gets paid, but would suffer none the less,
>and have to "play" for PJ.  Obviously they could use the cap space.  I
>think it is time for PJ, the Warriors and the league to step and press
>formal criminal charges on Srewell, for this obvious criminal act.  That
>might get his attention.