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If some of you think we are bashing Antoine, Then take a close look at
other cities in the NBA. It seems to me more and more fans are not only
but DEMANDING that these superstars need to get their act together on and
off the court. For an example check out this article in todays Washington
Post. I do realize these are young guys and not fully mature, but, should
they be excused
for poor behavior on or off the court due to their superstar status. I say
hold them accountable for their actions. Put them in jail if need be!! It
is one thing to say "hey, I screwed up I will not let it happen again" But
we are hearing not guilty due to a loophole in the law. I will say two names 
Moe Vaughn and Latrell Sprewell. If you or I tried to strangle our boss( I
am sure some of us would like to) We would be in jail never mind getting
paid by them to return. It is time for fans demand proper conduct from
these so called superstars. I realize this is a little off base, but,
remember these statements come collective barganing agreement time.