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Re: Celt books

At 07:31 PM 2/12/98 -0500, you wrote:
>Hey everybody. For all you Celtic novel buffs, I'm wondering if anyone can
>recommend a good Celts book, preferably during the time period of
>1976-present. I've already read, "Drive", "The Big Three", "The Last
>Banner", "Seeing Red", and "Nothing But Net". I know there are tons more out
>there, but my area isn't actually filled with Boston stuff, so if someone
>could help, I appreciate it. Also, I'm still looking for an "I Love Walter!"
>sound file if someone has it. Thanks again. You're in BeanTown now baby,

Someone else recommended _Unfinished Business_, which I heartily second.
Also, it covers more than just that period, but what about Dan Shaugnessy's
_Evergreen_? It's a team history. Shaugnessy is a lot more fun and a lot
less critical of everything in his books than his columns, and it reads like
sitting around with ac bunch of guys and beers, telling stories. One of my
favorite sports books. Another really really good one is Bob Ryan & Terry
Pluto's _48 Minutes_. Takes a single game from the Bird Era (vs Cleveland, I
think, which is why Terry Pluto is co-author) and breaks it down minute by
minute on who did what and why and what they were thinking, along with some
of the history of the people and events involved. This probably IS my
favorite sports book of any kind -I'm a lot more interested in what goes
into the games than the life story sort of thing like _Drive_.

Kim Malo