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Re: Ben Pepper was re: Acie Earl

>Unfortunately about Pepper I must with that assessment, but, remember he had
>only played basketball for under 2 years before he signed with the Falcons. If
>he can develop like Anstey did at the Magic under Goorjian (Pepper's current
>coach) then he will be heads and shoulders above him.

It is possible, but very unlikely IMO.  Then again, I was wrong about Anstey.

>There is a rumor surrounding Neilson that he will be drafted by the
Mavericks as
>soon as he makes himself eligible.

Nellie cannot be this insane/misinformed, surely.  I would hazard a guess
that this rumour could only have been started by Neilsen's agent/publisist,
or maybe the Kings organisation or Steve Carfino (same thing....).  Unless
he develops an awesome outside game he will never play a reg season NBA
game.  Someone might use a late second rounder on him because of the "retain
rights on international player" thing, but he will not make the cut.
Jeremy Davies      Writer-in-progress !        "The lifestyle's the best,
PO Box 376         Fantasy, Sci-fi, Horror        it's just the writing 
Cessnock NSW 2325  Historical (Crusades period)         that sucks".
AUSTRALIA          Lifetime Celtics fan.....    Ben Katz on being a writer