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It just doesn't make sense to me

Folks, I know you miss the NBA but - why should the owners be compelled to
give more then they want to their employees. These folks are in for the long
haul. If the stars have a bad day/night or if they are injured or if they
have a bad season -- the owners still pay for the operation of the game.

I would have a different point of view if some start would ask to have his
contract renegotiated because he had a poor season or if he offered to give
back a portion of his pay because of his poor season. Will that happen - not

Now granted the owners have, to a certain extent, put themselves in this
situation. This does not make it right. The situation in the NBA and other
professional sports is getting out of hand. Ticket prices and concessions
are skyrocketing -- it won't be long before many of us cannot afford to go
to the "game." What will be the result when fans can no longer attend the
game and support $10 million a year contracts. I remember when I thought
Stan Musial and Ted Williams were worth the six figure salaries they got in
the 60s. I have yet to think anyone is worth a million dollars a year - not
even Michael Jordan.

Let the season go, let the owners and players get new negotiators to the
table let them establish hard salary caps and reduce tickets so the people
who buy the sneakers and warm-up jackets can afford to see their heroes play
the game.
