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RE: Billups...why not?

> From:	damekmo@teleport.com [SMTP:damekmo@teleport.com]
> Pitino should just play Billups, get off his
> back, show some patience, or admit drafting him was a mistake and trade him
> now. He could probably get Stackhouse as Brown is going out of his mind
> down there...and isn't that just too bad. In any case, as good as I feel
> about this team right now, as good as I feel about Pitino, he could very
> quickly screw everything up. 

Admitting that Billups was a mistake is the dumbest thing that he can do. He 
should do what McHale did with Donyell after they realized they drafted the 
wrong player i.e. trade him. Admitting that drafting Billups was a mistake will 
fetch him middle of a doughnut <actually that would be prefereable if one could 
do that in case of Dee & Dana..but that ain't gonna happen>. 

> If he's really playing for the future by going
> young he has to be willing to live with the consequences. If he wants to
> win right now, with this team of kids he seemingly couldn't wait to get his
> hands on, then he's a fool.

He is living with the consequences isn't he? but he is also letting these kids 
know what he wants from them, so what is wrong about that. He did the same 
things in college and nobody cribbed about it, so what is wrong now? 
                                - Mishra