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Re: 5 straight

Marc Lamphier wrote:
> At  0:48 AM 97.1.27 -0500, Caleb J. McArthur wrote:
> >The Len Bias jinx on Boston sports continues.  I bet that in the last 10
> >years (10/86 - 1/97) we have had more losses in professional championships
> >than any other city
> [snip]
> >Someone please make me feel better by naming a city with more consecutive
> >losses in professional championships.
> I think you might do better by making a list of how many cities haven't had
> teams go to a championship game at all in the past ten years. Makes Boston
> look quite a bit better when viewed from this perspective.
> -Marc

My thoughts exactly.  Several years ago a local sports writer called
Boston a team of losers since at that time the Pats lost a Super Bowl
and the Celts and Bruins were only close and it seems the Sox (my ex
always wanted to call them the dead flops) had just lost to the Mets. My
printed reclama stated, as you did, many cities in the US would die to
have teams so competitive that they are in the running for their sports
championships.  We are indeed on hard times, but in the end Boston will
once again return to a high degree of major league sports performance. 

p.s. I have moved all over the states/world and cannot bring myself to
part with my beloved Boston teams.  

Come on folks, lets think positive.
