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latte: What's Hot at LATimes.com 2.20

LATTE - What's Hot at LATimes.com.
Tuesday, December 5, 1997      Vol. 2, Issue 20
< http://www.latimes.com/HOME/LATTE/?MAIL >

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Hope you all enjoyed your Thanksgiving. We've been busy here
preparing some of our year-end features. And check out some
of our helpful new services, including game scores e-mailed
to you directly.


 News - Go with our reporters to understand Orphans of Addiction.
 Sports - Game Tracker will help you follow your favorite teams.
 Weather - El Nino is on its way. Get coverage and historical info.
 Contest - Win free tickets to local shows and events.

 Stocks - Follow hot and cold stocks, updated every day.
 Investment - Use our Mutual Fund Profiler to pick funds.
 Learning - The Business Academy teaches the financial basics.

 Tickets - We offer discount prices available only online.
 MetaHollywood - Blue Sky studios brings Alien to life.
 Getty Museum - This monster museum opens Dec. 16. Take a peek.

 Punch Lines - Start your day with a good laugh (or a bad pun).
 Movie Reviews - Before you spend your money, check with us.

 Archives - Miss a story? Look it up online.


A writer and a photographer spent five months chronicling the
tortured lives of children living with drug addicts and alcoholics.
The conditions they uncovered are all too common in the United
States, which has a higher rate of drug abuse than any other
industrialized nation. < http://www.latimes.com/orphans/?MAIL >

Pick your favorite basketball team in Game Tracker, and we'll
e-mail you the scores of the games, or remind you when they've
got a match coming up. As a registered user, this service
is FREE. < http://www.latimes.com/gametracker/?MAIL >

The warm waters of El Nino are bound to make this a memorable
winter. Check here for explanations of this phenomenon and current
updates on its impact. < http://www.latimes.com/elnino/?MAIL >

Enter for a chance to win free tickets to local shows and events.
Simply select the prize that you really, really want to win and
complete the form. You must enter before Dec. 12.
< http://www.latimes.com/HOME/ENT/TICKETS/discount.htm?MAIL >


Study the stocks that have risen the most and fallen the most
over the last four weeks. The four-week trend can be a good
indicator of stocks that have strong momentum in either direction.
< http://www.latimes.com/hotcold/?MAIL >

Find the best-performing mutual funds of the past year at
< http://www.latimes.com/mutual/?MAIL > or use the Mutual Fund Explorer
to do a customized search for funds that meet your requirements.

Do you want to begin investing, but never learned the basics?
Want to purchase life insurance or start a business? For step-by-step
solutions, enter the Times' Business Academy.
< http://www.latimes.com/HOME/BUSINESS/BACAD/?MAIL >


Looking for something to do tonight? Try this brand new service:
Tickets to the best of Southern California's live events, brought
to you from Ticketmaster, ETM and Advantix.
< http://www.latimes.com/tix/?MAIL >

Online gaming is investing in the latest technology. Will it pay
off? We went to the Online Games Conference & Expo to find the
answers, and you can read about it at
< http://www.latimes.com/metahollywood/?MAIL >

There has never been anything quite like the Getty Center.
Scheduled to throw open its doors to the masses Dec. 16,
the $1-billion, 110-acre arts complex in Brentwood conforms
to no known model. Take a look inside at
< http://www.latimes.com/getty/?MAIL >
(This will be available on Monday, Dec. 8)


You can find the following movie reviews at
< http://www.latimes.com/HOME/ENT/MOVIES/SNEAK/?MAIL >.

o The Bible & Gun Club
o The Closest Thing to Heaven
o Cold Around the Heart
o The Hours and the Times
o Good Will Hunting
o Office Killer

These jokes and more are available daily at
< http://www.latimes.com/HOME/ENT/LAUGHS/?MAIL >

* "Using DNA samples, the U.S. Department of Fish and Wildlife
  discovered that much of what is sold as expensive beluga caviar
  is actually cheap fish eggs from Montana," says Bob Mills.
  "A full-scale investigation was launched when agents discovered
  McDonald's was using the same brand in its Caviar McNuggets."
* "President Clinton has dispatched two aircraft carriers, six B-52s
  and six stealth fighter bombers to the Persian Gulf. Saddam
  Hussein finally got the hint. He just sent a $500,000 check
  to the DNC." (Argus Hamilton)
* "Big news in the toy industry. Mattel is gonna remake Barbie,
  change her body for the '90s, make her with smaller breasts,"
  says Jay Leno. "I guess the new designers think this one should
  be able to stand up."


Did you throw away that story?  Are you looking for a recipe?
Want to check into a company? Have a big term paper due?
You're in luck. The complete Times archives back to 1990
are available at < http://www.latimes.com/HOME/ARCHIVES/?MAIL >.
Stories cost $1.50, or pay a monthly fee of $4.95 for 10 stories.
Pay with any major credit card using our secure server.


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Please include your e-mail address and L.A. Times member name
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If you are interested in advertising on our Web site or in this
update, please write to <advertise@latimes.com>.

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