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FW: How many wins?

Greetings fellow Celtic fans,

	I generally sit in the background and enjoy the fine dialog of people that 
are obviously better judges of talent than I. Hard to believe as it may 
seem, I believed with all my heart that the Celtics would be able to 
approach 46 wins this season. That is entirely the problem, I follow this 
team with my heart. I follow all of our local teams with my heart, which is 
probably why I spend most of my time broken hearted. The 46 win total would 
probably be closer to the total for 96 / 97 and 97 / 98 combined. I shall 
slink to the background know and continue to enjoy reading all of your 
opinions of what this coming year will bring to our beloved franchise.

Thanks for listening,

Roger S. Belanger

- ----------
From: 	Theresa Lee[SMTP:tjoyce@MIT.EDU]
Sent: 	Tuesday, April 22, 1997 6:58 AM
To: 	celtics@igtc.COM
Subject: 	How many wins?

Hello all-

Now I'm thinking we should've predicted how many losses instead of wins.
Who would have predicted a total of 15 wins?  No one on this list, it 
out.  Congratulations to Dennis Mercon who was closest with a prediction 
20 wins!  Dennis, are you out there? Roger S. Belanger predicted a high of
46.  Roger, are you out there?

 How many wins?
Theresa Lee 29
Bob Hager    35
Glenn Hann  40
Adam 40
Paul M. 24
Ron Peck 38
Jim McMaster 35
Bentz Kirby  30
Matt Hall 48w -34L
Vanu Bose 37
Charles Alperin 33
Robert Moran 31
Mike Secorsky 38-42 wins
Amir  Parviz 43
Anne Dakes 30
Lance Gee 42
Roy Enrile 37
Dennis Mercon 20
Pravda 32
Mike Buckley 45
Parm Atwal 32
David Darlington 33
Fred Fahey 32-35
Jeremy Ryan 25
Christopher Gee 28
Gene Kirkpartrick 40
Larry Khirallah 39
Sashi Kumar 37
Mishra 28
Sly Stallone 30
Piquet 33-36
Giuliano Cappelli 34
Ariel Gallardo 39
Eamonn Fahy 34
Jamey Rallis 33
Mark Piotrowski 28
Woods 35-44
Kevin Day 29
Mark Riesmeyer 36
Joe Urtz 29
Caleb McArthur 31
Bill Cooper 41
Venkatesh Sampath 34
Robert Bowman 29
Bill Paige 37
Jason Huffman 44
Maurice Spruijt 38
Roger S. Belanger 46
Bruce Greenberg 36
Andy Friedman 27
Akiva 33
Doug Alvord 29
Lee Willingham 33
Clyde Mendonca 36
Michael Jacobs 21
Jackson Ronald 39
Art Silva 44
Peter Moses 33
David J. Boutte  45
Jeremy Warren 36
Kerry Kee 37
Dan Mackie 25
John Lyell 30
Jeff Stanners 37
David Goldovt 37

- -------------------------------------------------------
Theresa Lee
Alumni Officer III, Student and Parent Programs
Association of Alumni and Alumnae of MIT
10-140, 77 Mass Ave.
Cambridge, MA 02139
ph: 617-253-8280

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